Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lessons in Pee

I promise that my life does not revolve around the bathroom.

However, it seems like the boys are obsessed with it.  I have to block all access to the potty because Asa and Nathan think it is the coolest playground evah. 

Tonight we got home late because we were at church and I was trying to get Asa and Nathan to bed quickly.  I was changing Asa when out of the bathroom I heard Aiden screaming "No Nathan!  Mooommy!!!!"  The words I dread.  Hearing your name screamed in panic from the bathroom never leads to anything good.

I ran in to find Nathan covered in water. 
The floor was soaked. 
Nathan was cracking up.
Aiden said sadly, "Mommy.  He play in my pee."  REALLY?!

I had to pry Nathan off the toilet finger by finger because he had a death grip on the commode.  He was ticked that I was pulling him away from such fun.  Screaming ensued.  Between gags I managed to give him a bath while Noah and Aiden "helped." 

I can't help but to be reminded of myself.  How often has God had to pry me from something because He knows it is no longer good for me, and yet I think it is best?  I let him pull me away but I am kicking and screaming the whole way.  Convicting. 

God uses so many things to teach me more about Himself and His unending, unrelenting love for me.  Sometimes it comes in the form of my baby playing in my other son's pee.

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