Friday, January 6, 2012

Aiden Rides a Bike

We had a huge milestone in the family!

On Thursday, Aiden told me that he wanted to help him with "cartwheels" for his bike.  It took me a while to figure out what he as trying to say.  I finally realized that he wanted me to take the training wheels off of his bike.  Off they went.

Aiden hopped up on the bike, ready to go.  I gave him a little push.  He did about 3-4 peddles and fell.  He did that over and over and over.  He kept getting up and asking me to help him.  He didn't quit.  He is one tough and determined little boy.

He did it!
He went about half way across the backyard peddling away before he fell over.
I went crazy!
He got up grinning ear to ear.
So proud of himself!

I was so proud of him.
And so happy for him.
My heart was bursting with joy.

Of course we have been practicing ever since.

*Don't mind the reprimand of Asa toward the end of the video.  He was just trying to escape when he thought I was otherwise occupied.  Think again, buddy.  Can't wait for that 6 ft privacy fence at the new house.  Have fun climbing that one.

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