Monday, March 26, 2012

What Break?

Spring Break.
Makes me think of Panama City Beach, FL.
Makes me think of getting a tan.
Or a sunburn.

And then reality.
Spring Break=no break.
What a joke.

This past week Noah was on "Spring Break" from preschool.  I was so excited to have him home for a whole week.  I really miss him while he is gone in the mornings.  Let's face it.  He is the closest thing I get to adult conversation on most days.  He has been affectionately nicknamed The World's Smallest 30 Year Old for good reason.  He is hilarious.  He is sweet.  He is just like me, and I kinda think its awesome.  ha!

I don't know about anyone else, but Spring Break didn't go exactly as planned for the Bruce fam.  The fantasy was much better than the reality.  Although I miss Noah so much during the day, turns out Aiden really doesn't.  Imagine that.  Instead of a great week of having fun, I spent days breaking up fights and dealing with one kid whining and pouting because his big brother was doing things he wanted to do.  It is a rare form of slow torture.  His behavior was terrible with a capital T.  So much jealousy.  And I never get to see the green monster because he gets to be the big brother for at least 4 hours 4 days a week, and that somehow makes it okay the rest of the time.  But while he is home the oldest wants to make sure we all know he is the oldest and the leader.

In between jealous rage-inducing fights, we did manage to spend some nice time in the backyard playing in the pool.  We took a few walks around the new neighborhood.  We had a fun play date with friends.  We got to go to the Science Center as a family. 

The boys can be the best of friends and the worst of enemies.  Although they like their time alone, it is interesting that after a few hours they miss each other and want to be together.  Apparently, with Noah and Aiden, absence does make the heart grow fonder.  And makes Mommy a little more sane.  Bring on school.

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